Full Name
Felipe Koeller Rodrigues Vieira
Job Title
Omni Táxi Aéreo
Speaker Bio
Aviator, airplane and helicopter pilot. Flight instructor. Flight Safety Officer. Brazilian Air Force flight officer (retired). Bachelor of Aeronautical Sciences from the Air Force Academy (1997). Postgraduate in Higher Education Teaching (UCAM, 2002), Postgraduate in Public Administration (UFF, 2008), Postgraduate in Aerospace Sciences (UNIFA, 2015), Master's in Museology and Heritage Sciences (UNIRIO, 2009). Studied a PhD in Transport Engineering (COPPE/UFRJ, 2016). He is currently carrying out doctoral research in Complex Systems Management in the Doctoral Course in Computer Science at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Experience in the area of Aeronautical Sciences, Aviation Accident Investigation, Search and Rescue and flight instruction in helicopters and airplanes. He worked as a Senior Aviation Accident Investigator for CENIPA (Brazilian authority in charge of ICAO Annex 13), with more than 200 investigations (including aeronautical accidents and serious incidents) and as an Accredited Examiner of airplane and helicopter pilots for ANAC (Civil Aviation Authority in Brazil). Former Professor of the “Performance and Advanced Operation of Multi-Engine Helicopters” discipline in the Bachelor's degree in Aeronautical Sciences at Universidade Estácio de Sá, in Rio de Janeiro-RJ. Co-author, together with Surgeon Dr. Alfredo Guarischi (in memorian), of the book "Healthcare Resource Management", which adapts the concepts of Crew Resource Management, from aviation to the hospital environment and healthcare working culture. Currently working as Sikorsky S92 Helibus helicopter captain in offshore aviation at bases in Brazil and abroad and as Flight Safety and Safety Management Systems consultant.
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