Full Name
Jani bin Md Dom
Job Title
Deputy Chief Executive Officer
Civil Aviation Authority of Malaysia
Speaker Bio
Captain Md Jani Md Dom graduated from University of Akron Ohio, USA with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering in May 1987. He joined the Royal Malaysia Air Force (RMAF) from 1989 until 2003 as a helicopter pilot. Throughout his career in RMAF he became a Qualified Helicopter Instructor and later Examiner before leaving RMAF in 2003 to join Malaysia Helicopter Services (MHS). On 1st August 2005, he joined the Department of Civil Aviation (DCA) and now CAAM.

Captain Jani has amassed more than 4000 hours mostly on various types, conservative and modern, single and twin-engine helicopters. In the early days of his flying career, he flew nearly 200 hours on fixed wing aircraft. With DCA, he joined as a Flight Operations Inspector and later appointed as the Director of Flight Operations, overseeing certifications and surveillance in relations to the safety of aviation industry in Malaysia. As Director of Quality and Standards, he was tasked to adopt and streamline all CAAM regulations and requirements to match ICAO Annexes into a new documentation system called Civil Aviation Directives (CAD).

Captain Jani is currently the Deputy Chief Executive Officer (Regulatory Affairs) and also the National Continuous Monitoring Coordinator (NCMC) for USOAP and National Coordinator for Universal Security Audit Programme (USAP) under ICAO.
Jani bin Md Dom