Full Name
Dragos Munteanu
Job Title
Assistant Director Safety & Flight Ops
Speaker Bio
Dragos Munteanu is the Assistant Director, Safety & Flight Operations, EUROPE of the International Air Transport Association (IATA), based in Brussels, Belgium.
He is responsible for advocating the airline Safety and Flight Operations positions in Europe in accordance with IATA’s global strategies and for the definition and promotion of IATA's safety & flight operations requirements/ policies with Governments, Aviation Safety Groups and international organizations responsible for implementation elements of the EU regulatory process.
With a background of aerospace engineer, Dragos has a professional experience of more than 20 years in various positions both in the regulatory and the airline operational, safety and quality management environments. He is a trained IOSA auditor, safety investigator and held various management positions in the area of aviation safety and quality. Dragos represents IATA in various regional working groups and bodies of ICAO and EASA.
Dragos has graduated the Bucharest Polytechnics Aerospace Engineering Faculty, holds an MsC from City University in London in Air Safety Management and is an IATA instructor for aviation safety courses.
Dragos Munteanu