Full Name
Guillaume Olivier AIGOIN
Job Title
Senior Flight Data Expert
Speaker Bio
Guillaume Aigoin is a focal point for the topic of climate change adaptation at EASA. Guillaume owns two Master's degrees (in Aeronautics and in Automatic Control). He started his career at the French safety investigation authority (BEA), where he worked as a flight recorder expert. After he joined EASA in 2009, Guillaume managed several technical domains (flight data monitoring, flight recorders, aircraft tracking, location of aircraft in distress). In this role, he led rulemaking tasks and safety promotion tasks and represented EASA in various ICAO groups and industry standardization organizations. Guillaume is also the Analysis Lead of Data4Safety large data exchange program, for which he has worked since its start.
In 2020, Guillaume first brought up the effects of climate change on aviation safety and the need for EASA actions to address this issue. This topic was endorsed by EASA Directors in 2021, and Guillaume was tasked to set up a strategy and a work program. Since then, he has been coordinating EASA climate change adaptation activities.
Guillaume Olivier AIGOIN