Renato Achoa, Azul Brazilian Airlines
Chris Collins, Delta Air Lines

This panel brings together the leaders of three of the world's most prominent safety information and analysis sharing programs: the European Union Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) Data4Safety (D4S), the U.S. Aviation Safety Team/Aviation Safety Information Analysis and Sharing (ASIAS) program, and the Brazilian Commercial Aviation Safety Team (BCAST). The discussion will delve into how these programs are pushing the boundaries of safety through advanced data sharing, collaborative analysis, and cross-regional cooperation. Opportunities for the application of artificial intelligence (AI) and predictive analytics will be explored. Panelists will explore how integrating diverse safety data and methodologies can drive transformative improvements in aviation safety, fostering a global network committed to innovation and excellence in risk management.
Moderator: Chris Collins, Director, Flight Safety, Delta Air Lines, FSF IAC Member
Steve Jangelis, Interim Industry Co-Chair, Aviation Safety Team (AST), Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA)
John Monks, Industry Co-Chair, Data4Safety, British Airways
Renato Achoa, President, Brazilian Commercial Aviation Safety Team (BCAST), Azul