Pakistan Hasan Mujahid, Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority (PCAA)
Ruiyi Ang, Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore
Manoosh Valipour, ICAO
John Thomson, Civil Aviation Authority International

Global safety management strategies continue to evolve. ICAO will present pending changes to Annex 19 and related documents, while regulators share the implementation and application of SSP and national aviation safety plan (NASP).
(i) Proposed amendments of ICAO Annex 19 – Safety Management, new Safety Intelligence Manual and 5th edition of the Safety Management Manual
Ms. Manoosh Valipour, Secretary, ICAO Safety Management Panel (SMP), ICAO (Virtual)
(ii) Implementation progress of SSP and NASP, and their relationships
Panel Moderator:
Ms. Yamani Chan, Senior Operations Officer (Strategic Safety) of Hong Kong Civil Aviation Department (HKCAD)
Panel Members:
Mr. John Thomson, Senior Technical Advisor – Safety Management of UK Civil Aviation Authority international (UKCAAi)
Mr. Ruiyi Ang, Principal Manager (Safety Assurance) of Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS)
Mr. Hasan Mujahid, Additional Director SSP of Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority (PCAA) (Virtual)