Session 4 | AI, Advanced Computing, and Aviation Safety
Date & Time
Wednesday, November 6, 2024, 9:15 AM - 10:15 AM
Alan Sternberg Andrew Dunbeck Deborah Kirkman Dejan Damjanovic Marko Rados

Advanced computing and artificial intelligence (AI) techniques are already being actively explored to improve aviation safety processes. Some of these approaches enable the incorporation of new data streams for monitoring safety performance and factors that could affect safety of flight, yet not all of those data streams are fully understood or currently formulated as part of a safety data collection activity. Other advanced computing/AI techniques are being explored to help us make sense of the relationships between hazards and their potential exposure to operations.

Moderator: Deborah Kirkman, Director, Flight Safety Foundation


  • Alan Sternberg, CEO, Beams Safety AI, and Andrew Dunbeck, General Manager, Flight Safety, Delta Air Lines – “State of AI in Safety Risk Management”
  • Marko Rados, CEO, Inxelo Technologies – “Automated Reporting Process With AI”
  • Dejan Damjanovic, Founder, The FANS Group – "Risk vs Rewards for AI in AIM"