Sohyun Park
Deepak Kumar Joshi, AIR INDIA LIMITED
Peter McCarthy, Cathay Pacific Airways
The Panel will share practices to manage safety data and information by ensuring data integrity, data protection; apply safety culture (including just culture) to balance safety needs and accountability; and promote informed culture. The Panel also recognizes ANSPs’ important roles in aviation safety and shares practical applications of ANSP’s SMS.
Panel Moderator:
Mr. Shayne Campbell, FAA ATO Senior International Air Traffic Representative Asia Pacific of Federal Aviation Administration Air Traffic Organization (FAA ATO)
Panel Members:
Ms. Sohyun Park, Assistant Director, Aviation Safety Policy Division of KOCA
Mr. John Wennes, Safety Programme Manager of Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation (CANSO)
Mr. Pete McCarthy, Head of Group Human Factors of Cathay Pacific Airways
Mr. Deepak Joshi, Head of Flight Safety of Air India