Seema Chopra, Boeing
Yuanyang Gao, General Aviation Industry Research Center of Beihang University
Jervin Christopher (Chris) Carter, Federal Aviation Administration
Nickolas Lagouros, IFALPA

The global transformation driven by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and future automation is significantly impacting the aviation industry, presenting both opportunities and challenges in improving safety and efficiency. However, these technologies also prompt critical considerations about how this technology can be deemed safe for use? Should the design philosophy revolve around using the technology to complement the human, or is it the human complementing the technology? Will leapfrogging to a full AI operating environment (e.g. AI air traffic controller interfacing with AI pilot) be safer than having humans remain in the loop? In this session, panelists from diverse domains will explore and offer their perspectives on where and how AI could be introduced, its impact on the human role in aviation. They will also discuss strategies and best practices to facilitate a seamless transition and ensure safe operations amidst these changes.
Panel Moderator:
Mr. Chris Carter, Director, Asia-Pacific Region, Federal Aviation Administration
Capt. Nickolas Lagouros, Regional Vice President Asia/ East, International Federation of Air Line Pilots' Associations
Dr. Seema Chopra, Executive Director & Senior Technical Fellow, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Boeing Research & Technology
Mr. Yannick Vanhecke, Vice President Airbus Accident/ Incident Investigation and Prevention, Airbus
Dr. Yuanyang Gao, Associate Professor, Beihang University