Franklin McIntosh, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
Fenna den Hartog, KLM
Barry Cleaver, UK CAA
Novy Pantaryanto, Airnav Indonesia

The evolution from prescriptive flight and duty time limits to performance-based fatigue risk management for flight crewmembers has advanced significantly over the past decade. Fatigue risk management is founded on the use of scientific principles and advanced approaches toward measuring and mitigating the risk of fatigue. The approach is now being used across several aviation disciplines, including air traffic control. The fatigue risk management systems (FRMS) approach represents an opportunity for service providers to use advances in scientific knowledge to improve safety, use resources more efficiently, and increase operational flexibility. At the same time, advances have been made in developing prescriptive limits based on the application of safety management systems. This panel of leading experts will explore advances made in fatigue risk management, as well as flight and duty time limits, across aviation disciplines.
Panel Moderator:
Mr. Barry Cleaver, Flight Operations Policy Lead, United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority
Ms. Fenna de Hartog, Business Partner Safety and Senior Purser, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines
Mr. Franklin McIntosh, Deputy Chief Operating Officer, Air Traffic Organization, Federal Aviation Administration
Mr. Novy Pantaryanto, Executive Vice President of Human Resources Administration & Industrial Affairs, AirNav Indonesia
Professor Yang Chang Qi, Head of Air Traffic Safety Research Institute, Air Traffic Control Department, Civil Aviation Flight University of China (CAFUC)